More than 85 percent of Fulton County residential property owners will see no change or even a decrease in their 2008 property taxes, compared to 2007.
At its June 18 meeting, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners set the 2008 general fund millage rate at 10.281 mills, which equals the 2007 rate. The board also set the South Fulton Tax District millage rate at 5.659, also equivalent to the 2007 rate.
For the approximately 15 percent of residential property owners who saw an increase in their assessment, that change will be no greater than a 3 percent increase, per Georgia law.
In 2008, the Fulton County Assessors completed a commercial revaluation project, bringing commercial property values in line with fair market values. Consequently, the majority of 2008 value increases affected commercial properties. The 2008 general fund millage rate is 23 percent lower than the county's millage rate in 2000. Fulton County has led the metro Atlanta area in millage rate rollbacks for the past decade.
This is due to either no change or a decrease in property assessment.
Labels: 2008 taxes, Fulton County, fulton county taxes, Property Taxes
# posted by
Brian Vanderhoff @ 8:55 AM