Brian Vanderhoff's North Fulton Real Estate Blog: December 2013

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Thursday, December 19, 2013

MIGHTY 'DUCKS' WOES Fans voice support for suspended 'Dynasty' star Phil Robertson

Sarah Palin was one of many "Duck Dynasty" fans to take to social media after news hit that Phil Robertson had been indefinitely suspended by A&E following his controversial statements about homosexuality in an interview with GQ Magazine.

Palin took to Facebook to voice her reaction, charging that the suspension is an attack on freedom of speech.

"Free speech is an endangered species," she wrote, alongside a photo of herself with the cast of the show. "Those 'intolerants' hatin' and taking on the Duck Dynasty patriarch for voicing his personal opinion are taking on all of us."

Many fans of the series took to Twitter to voice similar thoughts.

Phil Robertson can have his own opinion, just like you have your own @DuckDynastyAE

Lex (@lexvillaverd) December 19, 2013

they suspended Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty because he said being gay is a sin... lol @ the lack of 1st Amendment rights in the USA

Evan Mock (@MockaFlocka) December 19, 2013

Meanwhile other social media users expressed relief that A&E took action to quiet the outspoken star.

Thank god A&E did the right thing, what Phil did was not a issue of freedom of speech but an immoral act, its 2013, stop being ignorant.

LucVs ZhVo (@LucVsZhVO) December 19, 2013

All the folks saying Phil Robertson has a right to say what he wants are ignoring A&E's right to can him. Come on. He can go elsewhere.

Jeff Tankersley (@jtanker33) December 19, 2013

The gay and lesbian rights group GLAAD also praised A&E for their swift reaction to Robertson's comments.

"What's clear is that such hateful anti-gay comments are unacceptable to fans, viewers, and networks alike," said GLAAD spokesperson Wilson Cruz. "By taking quick action and removing Robertson from future filming, A&E has sent a strong message that discrimination is neither a Christian nor an American value."

The slew of Twitter reactions made Phil Robertson a trending topic on Wednesday and Thursday. The hashtag #IStandWithPhil gained popularity after A&E released a statement about Robertson's suspension. 

"We are extremely disappointed to have read Phil Robertson's comments in GQ, which are based on his own personal beliefs and are not reflected in the series Duck Dynasty," the network said in a statement. 

"His personal views in no way reflect those of A&E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil under hiatus from filming indefinitely." 

Earlier Wednesday, Roberston responded to his critics in an attempt to further explain his controversial statements.

"I myself am a product of the 60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock and roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior," he said in a statement sent to FOX411. "My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together"

Robertson referenced the Bible when talking to GQ about his thoughts about homosexuality and sinning.

"Everything is blurred on what's right and what's wrong... Sin becomes fine," he said. "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men."

Robertson may appear in some previously taped scenes when "Duck Dynasty" returns Jan. 15 for its fifth season, a network rep said.

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# posted by Brian Vanderhoff @ 9:02 AM

Monday, December 16, 2013

NSA task force leader backs talks on amnesty for Snowden

Published by

December 16, 2013 

The head of the National Security Agency task force assessing the effect of leaks by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden opened the door to the possibility of offering Snowden amnesty in exchange for documents -- though his boss is not on board with the idea. 

In an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes," Rick Ledgett said that Snowden took "the keys to the kingdom" when he left the U.S. earlier this year and was granted temporary asylum in Russia. 

He said he supports at least having a discussion about offering Snowden amnesty from criminal charges if he returns sensitive files still in his possession, and claimed others at the NSA share that view. 

"My personal view is, yes, it's worth having a conversation about," Ledgett said. "I would need assurances that the remainder of the data could be secured and my bar for those assurances would be very high. It would be more than just an assertion on his part." 

However, NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander sharply disagreed. He likened it to "a hostage taker taking 50 people hostage, shooting 10 and then say 'You give me full amnesty and I'll let the other 40 go.'" 

"I think people have to be held accountable for their actions," Alexander said. "Because what we don't want is the next person to do the same thing, race off to Hong Kong and to Moscow with another set of data knowing they can strike the same deal." 

Ledgett told CBS correspondent John Miller, himself a former employee of the office of the Director of National Intelligence, that he would not dispute an estimation that Snowden had taken 1.7 million documents from the NSA's hard drives, using his security clearance to get around measures that blocked off access for typical employees. 

"He did something that we call scraping," Ledgett said. "Where he went out and just went-- used tools to scrape information from websites, and put it into a place where he could download it." 

Ledgett said that Snowden had taken "an exhaustive list of the requirements that have been levied against-- against the National Security Agency. And what that gives is, what topics we're interested in, where our gaps are. But additional information about U.S. capabilities and U.S. gaps is provided as part of that." 

Ledgett estimated that 31,000 of the documents taken by Snowden dealt with U.S. intelligence capabilities and gaps related to countries like China, Russia, and Iran. 

A series of articles published by The Washington Post and by journalist Glenn Greenwald based on documents leaked by Snowden have brought the NSA's practice of collecting phone records and monitoring internet use by millions around the world under public scrutiny. The NSA has consistently defended its practices as legal. 

Alexander strongly denied to "60 Minutes" that the NSA could monitor the communications of any American at any time. 

"NSA can only target the communications of a U.S. person with a probable cause finding under specific court order," Alexander said. "Today, we have less than 60 authorizations on specific persons to do that." 

Alexander also defended the agency's practice of collecting so-called "metadata" on various phone calls, including the number dialed, time, date, and frequency. 

"How do you know when the bad guy who's using those same communications that my daughters use, is in the United States trying to do something bad?" Alexander asked. "The least intrusive way of doing that is metadata. 

"The 'to/from' number, the duration of the call and date/time, that's all you get," Alexander said later in the interview. "And all we can do is tell the FBI, 'That number is talking to somebody who is very bad, you ought to go look at it.'"


# posted by Brian Vanderhoff @ 9:07 AM

Thursday, December 12, 2013

What’s The Truth Behind Climate Change?

Climate Tank

The planet is cooling, despite what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change (IPCC) has claimed. Ice core samples continually exhibitand prove CO2 isn’t the main driver of climate change.

Demonizing CO2 which is what plants need in order to survive?

We need plants with plentiful CO2 levels to grow our food, and studies have shown that biomass explodes with heightened CO2 levels. With all of this in mind, it is no surprise that the majority of scientists are skeptical of climate change. CO2 doesn’t lead changes in temperature; temperature leads CO2 levels by at least 800 years of lagAntarctic ice glaciers are also growing exponentially to the extent they’ve grown an extra 533,000 miles in 2013compared with the year 2012. Much to the surprise of some environmentalists, polar bear populations are also either stabilized or are increasing. Sir Brain Heap, president of the European Academies Science Advisory Council warns the planet will be affected by devastating winter storms of cold for the next 30 years. Some people are convinced that man-made air pollution affects the temperature to some degree. Including claiming livestock are a significant cause.

When you look at the numbers closely, our contribution to ‘green-house gases’ is a sliver when compared with what the Earth produces naturally. So even if CO2 influences temperature (which is doesn’t) the way the IPCC claims, we wouldn’t be the problem. This is how minor our contribution to CO2 is compared with the total amount generated organically: Decaying matter – 48.4% Sea life – 48.4% Human contribution – 3.2% The true cause of climate change is the sun. Yes, I understand it may be shocking to consider that the trusty old sun affects planetary temperatures, but bear with me. The planet Mars is rapidly heating up, with its CO2 “ice caps” melting at a very fast pace.

Scientists are puzzled as to why Pluto is warming as well, and these are just some examples which includeJupiter and Neptune’s moons. But ah, this didn’t stop the IPCC from releasing a study suggesting our sun plays only a ‘minimal role’ in this planet’s temperature. The sun goes through cycles of heightened activity and lowered activity that relate to its sun spots. The fewer the sun spots, the colder it is, and vice versa. Yet this is never considered in theIPCC’s data. Through the 9th – 13th centuries, there were far warmer temperatures than there are today. What caused this, people’s wooden carts and their horses? Soon after the warm period of 400 years, this planet entered what was called the ‘Little Ice Age’ from the 13th – mid 19th centuries. Organizations like the IPCC claim that some recent years have been the hottest on record, when records only go back to at least the 1880′s. That is a very small time-frame in terms of global temperature changes throughout history.

The IPCC has simply taken the temperatures that have been warming since the Little Ice Age (which ended in the 1850’s) and are exploiting the rise in these numbers as though it is human-related. When in reality, the Little Ice Age and all fluctuations in planetary temperature directly correlates with thesolar cycle. Forbes confirms these claims in thisarticle, top climate scientists were also told to ‘cover up’ the fact this planet hasn’t warmed in over 15 years at the height of the IPCC’s major study on climate change. If what they were speaking of were true, then how could Vikings grow crops in Greenland over 1000 years ago because of warmer temperatures? They can no longer do this in the region where they used to be able to because of the colder temperature. The sun’s solar field has increased its activity within the last few centuries, yet this information is never factored into the IPCC’s studies.

Recently, the sun has hit a ‘pause,’ which has related to the cooling over the last decade. At this point, the world is now cooling, as the scientist Peter Taylor has shown. NASA has also come to the conclusion thatCO2 cools the atmosphere, and the ‘greenhouse effect’ that Al Gore touts is nonsense. In fact, 30,000 scientists from around the globe are suing Al Gore for fraud because of his involvement in the climate change lie. In 2009, it was declassified that many climate change scientist discarded the raw data that global warming is based on by the IPCC studies intentionally. You can see how they rationalized this decision Population control also ties into ‘man-made’ climate change.

Ted Turner, billionaire, media mogul and founder of CNN states in this interview population control must happen, if not it is “suicide” as Turner explains. In fact billionaires Ted Turner, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and David Rockefeller Jr. met in secret in 2009 to discuss depopulation; later the media praised them as literal super heroes. Climate change has already been admitted as a lie and a manufactured threat as far back as the early 1990s by the secretive ‘think tank,’ Club of Rome, in their own documents.

On page 75 of their publication The First Global Revolution, published in 1991, they stated, “In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. All these dangers are [to be] caused by human intervention … But in designating these dangers as the real enemy, we fall into the trap. Which we have already warned readers about namely mistaking symptoms for a cure … The real enemy, then, is humanity itself. ” Would it be shocking to learn that Al Gore is not only heavily involved with privately-owned carbon trading groups, but is also a member of Club of Rome?

Not only do their multi-millions rely on defending the information perpetrated by the IPCC, they are part of the group that has created this lie. Billionaire Maurice Strong, who has been involved with the U.N. through many posts is also intimately associated with privately-owned carbon trading groups and is also a top ex-member of Club of Rome. Here is a quote by Strong, “Isn’t the only hope for this planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse?

Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” The end-game is stated by Club of Rome member and Norwegian academic Jorgen Randers, “We need a system of governance that takes a more long-term view, it is unlikely that governments will pass necessary regulation to force the markets to allocate more money into climate friendly solutions, and must not assume that markets will work for the benefit of humankind.”

What does this mean to you? Does Jorgen Randers advocate a New World Order for illusory climate change? Will carbon-taxes actually help the environment?

Alec Cope

We Are Change

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# posted by Brian Vanderhoff @ 6:47 AM

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

pH levels in the blood can cure cancer, or be the cause of it - See more at:


pH levels in the blood can cure cancer, or be the cause of it

Did you know that science has discovered one definitive cause AND cure of cancer?  Acidic blood is the root of cancer cells survival.  The disease literally feeds off of the glucose human bodies are ingesting every single day and thriving in the environment we create for it.  If our bodies maintain a slightly alkaline environment the cells will die off and your body will be cured of cancer and other potential diseases.  Doctors prescribe chemotherapy, radiation or heavy drugs to treat cancer.  This is counter intuitive, as it adds to the acidity of our body.  So while cancer cells might die in the process, healthy cells will die as well and the body is even more susceptible.  The most effective and healthy method for eliminating cancer, or potential risk, is diet change.

pH stands for power of hydrogen, it is a scale to rate a substance as either 0-7 (acidic) or 7-14 (alkaline).  If your body maintains a pH level of 7.5 or above, cancer literally cannot survive.  Cancer is a metabolic disease that manifests through poor diet.  Basically, the cells of this disease eat glucose and breathe acid.  Glucose is most commonly known as sugar.  Most things we eat on a daily basis are actually quite acidic and process in our bodies as glucose.  The best way to alkalize your blood is to cut out some of these sugary acidic foods and consume a greater portion of high pH level goods.

Some acidic foods






All oats and grains

Chick peas

All meats

All cheeses and dairy


Peanuts and peanut butter

All meat

Olive oil


Corn syrup




Some alkaline foods



Collard greens


Fermented vegetables

Green beans

Green peas




Sweet potatoes








Stevia (natural sweetener)

All herbs

Check out a more detailed list here;

If a body is too acidic, the cells are literally incapable of healing themselves.  Cancer is not the only disease that can be cured with a more alkaline diet.   Most disease that is degenerative such as; diabetes, fibromyalgia, and even arthritis can be healed through healthy eating habits.

‘The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system.”  ~Robert C. Peale

Taking harsh medication never benefits the body long term.  Most drugs also raise the pH level in your blood and do not eliminate the need for more drugs.  You are doing yourself a disservice by pumping in more chemicals, absorbing more radiation and toxins to try and cure a disease that feeds off of it.  It’s disappointing how modern medicine is such an amazing thing, but is still led under so many misconceptions.  Stories are popping up everywhere about people who cure their cancer through diet instead of treatment.  Like this 8 year old girl

- See more at: 


# posted by Brian Vanderhoff @ 3:04 PM

10 Words to Stop Using in Your Job Search

Kathryn Buschman Vasel | FOXBusiness
Dec 11, 2013 2:00 PM EST

Employers get it: you're responsible and driven and maybe even patient, but that's not going to impress them.

A new survey from LinkedIn reveals the 10 words that appear so often in users' profiles that they've lost meaning to employers.

"These words sound smart, but everyone uses them and they have lost their efficacy," says Nicole Williams, LinkedIn's career expert. "Using these words means you sound just like everyone else, and in this labor market, that isn't going to help you find a job fast."


The most overused word in 2013 was "responsible",  but the list also included strategic, creative, effective and patient.

While Williams says there is nothing wrong with using these words, she tells job seekers they would be better off finding alternative words and taking the approach of showing, not telling, when trying to show value to employers.

"Creative" has made the list for the last three years, making it old-news for hiring managers. "Saying your creative isn't going to cut it; prove it with examples, statistics and even images and videos when necessary. That will go a lot further than just claiming you are creative," recommends Williams. 

She adds that having a complete profile or an experienced-loaded resume with no grammar or spelling mistakes will better convey responsibility, effectiveness and organizational skills.

To determine if a word should appear on a resume or in an online profile, Williams suggests thinking of the antonym and whether that would ever be used to describe a professional brand.

Companies are getting flooded with resumes in the tight labor market, forcing many to use technology looking for certain keywords to whittle the pile of potential candidates.

"Definitely still use the words in the job description, even if they are on this list," advises Williams. "But still describe how you produced results and bring value."

Here are three tips on how to write a resume and online profile that accurately reflects your skill set while still grabbing the attention of employers:

Provide Proof. Scott Dobroski, community expert from career website GlassDoor, points out that many of the words on the list are adjectives and don't show value. "It's OK to use some of these words, but use them sparingly and underscore them with metrics."

"If you say you are an efficient roofer, the next line should give your monthly completion percentage, customer satisfaction rate and any expansion progress or plans," he says.

Don't Overload. Applicants should avoid detailing every past experience and skill set on their resume and online profiles.

Dobroski recommends reviewing the job post to identify what the employer wants, and then selecting three to five examples from past jobs that highlight the sought-after skills.

"An effective resume should act as a teaser and should not include everything in your career. This is hard for a job seeker to understand, but find the experience that best fits the job and then save the rest for the interview."

Get Thoughtful. There's more than one way to showcase experience and skills, and Williams recommends looking for words that better fit with the specific requirements along with relevant experience and references.

"Using more specific words to describe your experience along with reputable sources can emphasize your qualifications."

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# posted by Brian Vanderhoff @ 2:50 PM

Monday, December 9, 2013

Fluoride: Killing Us Softly

Fluoride: Killin

Posted on: 
Wednesday, December 4th 2013 at 10:15 am

Fluoride: Killing Us Softly

There's nothing like a glass of cool, clear water to quench one's thirst. But the next time you or your child reaches for one, you might want to question whether that water is in fact, too toxic to drink. If your water is fluoridated, the answer may well be yes.

For decades, we have been told a lie, a lie that has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans and the weakening of the immune systems of tens of millions more. This lie is called fluoridation. A process we were led to believe was a safe and effective method of protecting teeth from decay is in fact a fraud. For decades it's been shown that fluoridation is neither essential for good health nor protective of teeth. What it does is poison the body. We should all at this point be asking how and why public health policy and the American media continue to live with and perpetuate this scientific sham.

The Latest in Fluoride News

Today more than ever, evidence of fluoride's toxicity is entering the public sphere. The summer of 2012 saw the publication of a systematic review and meta-analysis by researchers at Harvard University that explored the link between exposure to fluoride and neurological and cognitive function among children. The report pooled data from over 27 studies - many of them from China - carried out over the course of 22 years. The results, which were published in the journal Environmental Health Sciencesshowed a strong connection between exposure to fluoride in drinking water and decreased IQ scores in children. The team concluded that "the results suggest that fluoride may be a developmental neurotoxicant that affects brain development at exposures much below those that can cause toxicity in adults." [1]

The newest scientific data suggest that the damaging effects of fluoride extend to reproductive health as well. A 2013 study published in the journal Archives of Toxicologyshowed a link between fluoride exposure and male infertility in mice. The study's findings suggest that sodium fluoride impairs the ability of sperm cells in mice to normally fertilize the egg through a process known as chemotaxis.[2] This is the latest in more than 60 scientific studies on animals that have identified an association between male infertility and fluoride exposure.[3]

Adding more fuel to the fluoride controversy is a recent investigative report by NaturalNews exposing how the chemicals used to fluoridate United States' water systems today are commonly purchased from Chinese chemical plants looking to discard surplus stores of this form of industrial waste. Disturbingly, the report details that some Chinese vendors of fluoride advertise on their website that their product can be used as an "adhesive preservative", an "insecticide" as well as a" flux for soldering and welding".[4]   One Chinese manufacturer, Shanghai Polymet Commodities Ltd,. which produces fluoride destined for municipal water reserves in the United States,  notes on their website that their fluoride is "highly corrosive to human skin and harmful to people's respiratory organs".[5]

The Fluoride Phase Out at Home and Abroad

There are many signs in recent years that indicate growing skepticism over fluoridation. The New York Times reported in October 2011 that in the previous four years, about 200 jurisdictions across the USA moved to cease water fluoridation. A panel composed of scientists and health professionals in Fairbanks, Alaska recently recommended ceasing fluoridation of the county water supply after concluding that the addition of fluoride to already naturally-fluoridated reserves could pose health risks to 700,000 residents. The move to end fluoridation would save the county an estimated $205,000 annually. [6]

The city of Portland made headlines in 2013 when it voted down a measure to fluoridate its water supply. The citizens of Portland have rejected introducing the chemical to drinking water on three separate occasions since the 1950's.  Portland remains the largest city in the United States to shun fluoridation.[7]

The movement against fluoridation has gained traction overseas as well. In 2013, Israel's Ministry of Health committed to a countrywide phase-out of fluoridation. The decision came after Israel's Supreme Court deemed the existing health regulations requiring fluoridation to be based on science that is "outdated" and "no longer widely accepted."[8]

 Also this year, the government of the Australian state of Queensland eliminated $14 million in funding for its state-wide fluoridation campaign. The decision, which was executed by the Liberal National Party (LNP) government, forced local councils to vote on whether or not to introduce fluoride to their water supplies. Less than two months after the decision came down, several communities including the town of Cairns halted fluoridation. As a result, nearly 200,000 Australians will no longer be exposed to fluoride in their drinking water.[9]

An ever-growing number of institutions and individuals are questioning the wisdom of fluoridation. At the fore of the movement are thousands of scientific authorities and health care professionals who are speaking out about the hazards of this damaging additive. As of November 2013, a group of over 4549 professionals including 361 dentists and 562 medical doctors have added their names to a petition aimed at ending fluoridation started by the Fluoride Action Network.  Among the prominent signatories are Nobel Laureate Arvid Carlsson and William Marcus, PhD who served as the chief toxicologist of the EPA Water Division.[10]

The above sampling of recent news items on fluoridebrings into sharp focus just how urgent it is to carry out a critical reassessment of the mass fluoridation campaign that currently affects hundreds of millions of Americans. In order to better understand the massive deception surrounding this toxic chemical, we must look back to the sordid history of how fluoride was first introduced. 

How to Market a Toxic Waste

"We would not purposely add arsenic to the water supply. And we would not purposely add lead. But we do add fluoride. The fact is that fluoride is more toxic than lead and just slightly less toxic than arsenic." [11]

These words of Dr. John Yiamouyiannis may come as a shock to you because, if you're like most Americans, you have positive associations with fluoride. You may envision tooth protection, strong bones, and a government that cares about your dental needs. What you've probably never been told is that the fluoride added to drinking water and toothpaste is a crude industrial waste product of the aluminum and fertilizer industries, and a substance toxic enough to be used as rat poison. How is it that Americans have learned to love an environmental hazard? This phenomenon can be attributed to a carefully planned marketing program begun even before Grand Rapids, Michigan, became the first community to officially fluoridate its drinking water in 1945. [12]   As a result of this ongoing campaign, nearly two-thirds of the nation has enthusiastically followed Grand Rapids' example. But this push for fluoridation has less to do with a concern for America's health than with industry's penchant to expand at the expense of our nation's well-being.

The first thing you have to understand about fluoride is that it's the problem child of industry. Its toxicity was recognized at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when, in the 1850s iron and copper factories discharged it into the air and poisoned plants, animals, and people.[13]   The problem was exacerbated in the 1920s when rapid industrial growth meant massive pollution. Medical writer Joel Griffiths explains that "it was abundantly clear to both industry and government that spectacular U.S. industrial expansion – and the economic and military power and vast profits it promised – would necessitate releasing millions of tons of waste fluoride into the environment."[14]  Their biggest fear was that "if serious injury to people were established, lawsuits alone could prove devastating to companies, while public outcry could force industry-wide government regulations, billions in pollution-control costs, and even mandatory changes in high-fluoride raw materials and profitable technologies." [15]

At first, industry could dispose of fluoride legally only in small amounts by selling it to insecticide and rat poison manufacturers. [16]   Then a commercial outlet was devised in the 1930s when a connection was made between water supplies bearing traces of fluoride and lower rates of tooth decay. Griffiths writes that this was not a scientific breakthrough, but rather part of a "public disinformation campaign" by the aluminum industry "to convince the public that fluoride was safe and good." Industry's need prompted Alcoa-funded scientist Gerald J. Cox to announce that "The present trend toward complete removal of fluoride from water may need some reversal." [17]   Griffiths writes:

"The big news in Cox's announcement was that this 'apparently worthless by-product' had not only been proved safe (in low doses), but actually beneficial; it might reduce cavities in children. A proposal was in the air to add fluoride to the entire nation's drinking water. While the dose to each individual would be low, 'fluoridation' on a national scale would require the annual addition of hundreds of thousands of tons of fluoride to the country's drinking water.

"Government and industry – especially Alcoa – strongly supported intentional water fluoridation... [it] made possible a master public relations stroke – one that could keep scientists and the public off fluoride's case for years to come. If the leaders of dentistry, medicine, and public health could be persuaded to endorse fluoride in the public's drinking water, proclaiming to the nation that there was a 'wide margin of safety,' how were they going to turn around later and say industry's fluoride pollution was dangerous?

"As for the public, if fluoride could be introduced as a health enhancing substance that should be added to the environment for the children's sake, those opposing it would look like quacks and lunatics....

"Back at the Mellon Institute, Alcoa's Pittsburgh Industrial research lab, this news was galvanic. Alcoa-sponsored biochemist Gerald J. Cox immediately fluoridated some lab rats in a study and concluded that fluoride reduced cavities and that 'The case should be regarded as proved.' In a historic moment in 1939, the first public proposal that the U.S. should fluoridate its water supplies was made – not by a doctor, or dentist, but by Cox, an industry scientist working for a company threatened by fluoride damage claims." [18]

Once the plan was put into action, industry was buoyant. They had finally found the channel for fluoride that they were looking for, and they were even cheered on by dentists, government agencies, and the public. Chemical Week, a publication for the chemical industry, described the tenor of the times: "All over the country, slide rules are getting warm as waterworks engineers figure the cost of adding fluoride to their water supplies." They are riding a trend urged upon them, by the U.S. Public Health Service, the American Dental Association, the State Dental Health Directors, various state and local health bodies, and vocal women's clubs from coast to coast. It adds up to a nice piece of business on all sides and many firms are cheering the PHS and similar groups as they plump for increasing adoption of fluoridation." [19]

Such overwhelming acceptance allowed government and industry to proceed hastily, albeit irresponsibly. The Grand Rapids experiment was supposed to take 15 years, during which time health benefits and hazards were to be studied. In 1946, however, just one year into the experiment, six more U.S. cities adopted the process. By 1947, 87 more communities were treated; popular demand was the official reason for this unscientific haste.

The general public and its leaders did support the cause, but only after a massive government public relations campaign spearheaded by Edward L. Bernays, a nephew of Sigmund Freud. Bernays, a public relations pioneer who has been called "the original spin doctor," [20]  was a masterful PR strategist. As a result of his influence, Griffiths writes, "Almost overnight...the popular image of fluoride – which at the time was being widely sold as rat and bug poison – became that of a beneficial provider of gleaming smiles, absolutely safe, and good for children, bestowed by a benevolent paternal government. Its opponents were permanently engraved on the public mind as crackpots and right-wing loonies." [21]

Griffiths explains that while opposition to fluoridation is usually associated with right-wingers, this picture is not totally accurate. He provides an interesting historical perspective on the anti-fluoridation stance:

"Fluoridation attracted opponents from every point on the continuum of politics and sanity. The prospect of the government mass-medicating the water supplies with a well-known rat poison to prevent a nonlethal disease flipped the switches of delusionals across the country – as well as generating concern among responsible scientists, doctors, and citizens.

"Moreover, by a fortuitous twist of circumstances, fluoride's natural opponents on the left were alienated from the rest of the opposition. Oscar Ewing, a Federal Security Agency administrator, was a Truman "fair dealer" who pushed many progressive programs such as nationalized medicine. Fluoridation was lumped with his proposals. Inevitably, it was attacked by conservatives as a manifestation of "creeping socialism," while the left rallied to its support. Later during the McCarthy era, the left was further alienated from the opposition when extreme right-wing groups, including the John Birch Society and the Ku Klux Klan, raved that fluoridation was a plot by the Soviet Union and/or communists in the government to poison America's brain cells.

"It was a simple task for promoters, under the guidance of the 'original spin doctor,' to paint all opponents as deranged – and they played this angle to the hilt....

"Actually, many of the strongest opponents originally started out as proponents, but changed their minds after a close look at the evidence. And many opponents came to view fluoridation not as a communist plot, but simply as a capitalist-style con job of epic proportions. Some could be termed early environmentalists, such as the physicians George L. Waldbott and Frederick B. Exner, who first documented government-industry complicity in hiding the hazards of fluoride pollution from the public. Waldbott and Exner risked their careers in a clash with fluoride defenders, only to see their cause buried in toothpaste ads." [22]

By 1950, fluoridation's image was a sterling one, and there was not much science could do at this point. The Public Health Service was fluoridation's main source of funding as well as its promoter, and therefore caught in a fundamental conflict of interest. 12   If fluoridation were found to be unsafe and ineffective, and laws were repealed, the organization feared a loss of face, since scientists, politicians, dental groups, and physicians unanimously supported it. [23]  For this reason, studies concerning its effects were not undertaken. The Oakland Tribune noted this when it stated that "public health officials have often suppressed scientific doubts" about fluoridation.[24] Waldbott sums up the situation when he says that from the beginning, the controversy over fluoridating water supplies was "a political, not a scientific health issue."[25]

The marketing of fluoride continues. In a 1983 letter from the Environmental Protection Agency, then Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water, Rebecca Hammer, writes that the EPA "regards [fluoridation] as an ideal environmental solution to a long-standing problem. By recovering by-product fluosilicic acid from fertilizer manufacturing, water and air pollution are minimized and water utilities have a low-cost source of fluoride available to them." [26]    A 1992 policy statement from the Department of Health and Human Services says, "A recent comprehensive PHS review of the benefits and potential health risks of fluoride has concluded that the practice of fluoridating community water supplies is safe and effective." [27]

According to the CDC website, about 200 million Americans in 16,500 communities are exposed to fluoridated water. Out of the 50 largest cities in the US, 43 have fluoridated water. [28]

To help celebrate fluoride's widespread use, the media recently reported on the 50th anniversary of fluoridation in Grand Rapids. Newspaper articles titled "Fluoridation: a shining public health success" [29]  and "After 50 years, fluoride still works with a smile"  [30]  painted glowing pictures of the practice. Had investigators looked more closely, though, they might have learned that children in Muskegon, Michigan, an unfluoridated "control" city, had equal drops in dental decay. They might also have learned of the other studies that dispute the supposed wonders of fluoride.

The Fluoride Myth Doesn't Hold Water

The big hope for fluoride was its ability to immunize children's developing teeth against cavities. Rates of dental caries were supposed to plummet in areas where water was treated. Yet decades of experience and worldwide research have contradicted this expectation numerous times. Here are just a few examples:

In British Columbia, only 11% of the population drinks fluoridated water, as opposed to 40-70% in other Canadian regions. Yet British Columbia has the lowest rate of tooth decay in Canada. In addition, the lowest rates of dental caries within the province are found in areas that do not have their water supplies fluoridated. [31]

According to a Sierra Club study, people in unfluoridated developing nations have fewer dental caries than those living in industrialized nations. As a result, they conclude that "fluoride is not essential to dental health." [32]

In 1986-87, the largest study on fluoridation and tooth decay ever was performed. The subjects were 39,000 school children between 5 and 17 living in 84 areas around the country. A third of the places were fluoridated, a third were partially fluoridated, and a third were not. Results indicate no statistically significant differences in dental decay between fluoridated and unfluoridated cities. [33]

A World Health Organization survey reports a decline of dental decay in western Europe, which is 98% unfluoridated. They state that western Europe's declining dental decay rates are equal to and sometimes better than those in the U.S. [34]

A 1992 University of Arizona study yielded surprising results when they found that "the more fluoride a child drinks, the more cavities appear in the teeth." [35]

Although all Native American reservations are fluoridated, children living there have much higher incidences of dental decay and other oral health problems than do children living in other U.S. communities. [36]

In light of all the evidence, fluoride proponents now make more modest claims. For example, in 1988, the ADA professed that a 40- to 60% cavity reduction could be achieved with the help of fluoride. Now they claim an 18- to 25% reduction. Other promoters mention a 12% decline in tooth decay.

And some former supporters are even beginning to question the need for fluoridation altogether. In 1990, a National Institute for Dental Research report stated that "it is likely that if caries in children remain at low levels or decline further, the necessity of continuing the current variety and extent of fluoride-based prevention programs will be questioned." [37]

Most government agencies, however, continue to ignore the scientific evidence and to market fluoridation by making fictional claims about its benefits and pushing for its expansion. For instance, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, "National surveys of oral health dating back several decades document continuing decreases in tooth decay in children, adults and senior citizens. Nevertheless, there are parts of the country and particular populations that remain without protection. For these reasons, the U.S. PHS...has set a national goal for the year 2000 that 75% of persons served by community water systems will have access to optimally fluoridated drinking water; currently this figure is just about 60%. The year 2000 target goal is both desirable and yet challenging, based on past progress and continuing evidence of effectiveness and safety of this public health measure." [38]

This statement is flawed on several accounts. First, as we've seen, research does not support the effectiveness of fluoridation for preventing tooth disease. Second, purported benefits are supposedly for children, not adults and senior citizens. At about age 13, any advantage fluoridation might offer comes to an end, and less than 1% of the fluoridated water supply reaches this population.  And third, fluoridation has never been proven safe. On the contrary, several studies directly link fluoridation to skeletal fluorosis, dental fluorosis, and several rare forms of cancer. This alone should frighten us away from its use.

Biological Safety Concerns

Only a small margin separates supposedly beneficial fluoride levels from amounts that are known to cause adverse effects. Dr. James Patrick, a former antibiotics research scientist at the National Institutes of Health, describes the predicament:

"[There is] a very low margin of safety involved in fluoridating water. A concentration of about 1 ppm is several countries, severe fluorosis has been documented from water supplies containing only 2 or 3 ppm. In the development of drugs...we generally insist on a therapeutic index (margin of safety) of the order of 100; a therapeutic index of 2 or 3 is totally unacceptable, yet that is what has been proposed for public water supplies."[39]

Other countries argue that even 1 ppm is not a safe concentration. Canadian studies, for example, imply that children under three should have no fluoride whatsoever. The Journal of the Canadian Dental Association states that "Fluoride supplements should not be recommended for children less than 3 years old." [40]   Since these supplements contain the same amount of fluoride as water does, they are basically saying that children under the age of three shouldn't be drinking fluoridated water at all, under any circumstances. Japan has reduced the amount of fluoride in their drinking water to one-eighth of what is recommended in the U.S. Instead of 1 milligram per liter, they use less than 15 hundredths of a milligram per liter as the upper limit allowed. [41]

Even supposing that low concentrations are safe, there is no way to control how much fluoride different people consume, as some take in a lot more than others. For example, laborers, athletes, diabetics, and those living in hot or dry regions can all be expected to drink more water, and therefore more fluoride (in fluoridated areas) than others. [42]   Due to such wide variations in water consumption, it is impossible to scientifically control what dosage of fluoride a person receives via the water supply.[43]

Another concern is that fluoride is not found only in drinking water; it is everywhere. Fluoride is found in foods that are processed with it, which, in the United States, include nearly all bottled drinks and canned foods. [44]  Researchers writing in The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry have found that fruit juices, in particular, contain significant amounts of fluoride. In one study, a variety of popular juices and juice blends were analyzed and it was discovered that 42% of the samples examined had more than l ppm of fluoride, with some brands of grape juice containing much higher levels – up to 6.8 ppm! The authors cite the common practice of using fluoride-containing insecticide in growing grapes as a factor in these high levels, and they suggest that the fluoride content of beverages be printed on their labels, as is other nutritional information. [45]  Considering how much juice some children ingest, and the fact that youngsters often insist on particular brands that they consume day after day, labeling seems like a prudent idea. But beyond this is the larger issue that this study brings up: Is it wise to subject children and others who are heavy juice drinkers to additional fluoride in their water?

Here's a little-publicized reality: Cooking can greatly increase a food's fluoride content. Peas, for example, contain 12 micrograms of fluoride when raw and 1500 micrograms after they are cooked in fluoridated water, which is a tremendous difference. Also, we should keep in mind that fluoride is an ingredient in pharmaceuticals, aerosols, insecticides, and pesticides.

And of course, toothpastes. It's interesting to note that in the 1950s, fluoridated toothpastes were required to carry warnings on their labels saying that they were not to be used in areas where water was already fluoridated. Crest toothpaste went so far as to write: "Caution: Children under 6 should not use Crest." These regulations were dropped in 1958, although no new research was available to prove that the overdose hazard no longer existed. [46]

Today, common fluoride levels in toothpaste are 1000 ppm. Research chemist Woodfun Ligon notes that swallowing a small amount adds substantially to fluoride intake. [47] Dentists say that children commonly ingest up to 0.5 mg of fluoride a day from toothpaste. [48]

This inevitably raises another issue: How safe is all this fluoride? According to scientists and informed doctors, such as Dr. John Lee, it is not safe at all. Dr. Lee first took an anti-fluoridation stance back in 1972, when as chairman of an environmental health committee for a local medical society, he was asked to state their position on the subject. He stated that after investigating the references given by both pro- and anti-fluoridationists, the group discovered three important things:

"One, the claims of benefit of fluoride, the 60% reduction of cavities, was not established by any of these studies. Two, we found that the investigations into the toxic side effects of fluoride have not been done in any way that was acceptable. And three, we discovered that the estimate of the amount of fluoride in the food chain, in the total daily fluoride intake, had been measured in 1943, and not since then. By adding the amount of fluoride that we now have in the food chain, which comes from food processing with fluoridated water, plus all the fluoridated toothpaste that was not present in 1943, we found that the daily intake of fluoride was far in excess of what was considered optimal." [49]

What happens when fluoride intake exceeds the optimal? The inescapable fact is that this substance has been associated with severe health problems, ranging from skeletal and dental fluorosis to bone fractures, to fluoride poisoning, and even to cancer.

Skeletal Fluorosis

When fluoride is ingested, approximately 93% of it is absorbed into the bloodstream. A good part of the material is excreted, but the rest is deposited in the bones and teeth, and is capable of causing a crippling skeletal fluorosis. This is a condition that can damage the musculoskeletal and nervous systems and result in muscle wasting, limited joint motion, spine deformities, and calcification of the ligaments, as well as neurological deficits.

Large numbers of people in Japan, China, India, the Middle East, and Africa have been diagnosed with skeletal fluorosis from drinking naturally fluoridated water. In India alone, nearly a million people suffer from the affliction. 39   While only a dozen cases of skeletal fluorosis have been reported in the United States, Chemical and Engineering News states that "critics of the EPA standard speculate that there probably have been many more cases of fluorosis – even crippling fluorosis – than the few reported in the literature because most doctors in the U.S. have not studied the disease and do not know how to diagnose it." [50]

Radiologic changes in bone occur when fluoride exposure is 5 mg/day, according to the late Dr. George Waldbott, author of Fluoridation: The Great Dilemma. While this 5 mg/day level is the amount of fluoride ingested by most people living in fluoridated areas, [51]   the number increases for diabetics and laborers, who can ingest up to 20 mg of fluoride daily. In addition, a survey conducted by the Department of Agriculture shows that 3% of the U.S. population drinks 4 liters or more of water every day. If these individuals live in areas where the water contains a fluoride level of 4 ppm, allowed by the EPA, they are ingesting 16 mg/day from the consumption of water alone, and are thus at greater risk for getting skeletal fluorosis. [52]

Dental Fluorosis

According to a 1989 National Institute for Dental Research study, 1-2% of children living in areas fluoridated at 1 ppm develop dental fluorosis, that is, permanently stained, brown mottled teeth. Up to 23% of children living in areas naturally fluoridated at 4 ppm develop severe dental fluorosis. [53]  Other research gives higher figures. The publication Health Effects of Ingested Fluoride, put out by the National Academy of Sciences, reports that in areas with optimally fluoridated water (1 ppm, either natural or added), dental fluorosis levels in recent years ranged from 8 to 51%. Recently, a prevalence of slightly over 80% was reported in children 12-14 years old in Augusta, Georgia. 

Fluoride is a noteworthy chemical additive in that its officially acknowledged benefit and damage levels are about the same. Writing in The Progressive, science journalist Daniel Grossman elucidates this point: "Though many beneficial chemicals are dangerous when consumed at excessive levels, fluoride is unique because the amount that dentists recommend to prevent cavities is about the same as the amount that causes dental fluorosis." [54]   Although the American Dental Association and the government consider dental fluorosis only a cosmetic problem, the American Journal of Public Health says that "...brittleness of moderately and severely mottled teeth may be associated with elevated caries levels." 45   In other words, in these cases the fluoride is causing the exact problem that it's supposed to prevent. Yiamouyiannis adds, "In highly naturally-fluoridated areas, the teeth actually crumble as a result. These are the first visible symptoms of fluoride poisoning." [55]

Also, when considering dental fluorosis, there are factors beyond the physical that you can't ignore – the negative psychological effects of having moderately to severely mottled teeth. These were recognized in a 1984 National Institute of Mental Health panel that looked into this problem. 

A telling trend is that TV commercials for toothpaste, and toothpaste tubes themselves, are now downplaying fluoride content as a virtue. This was noted in an article in the Sarasota/Florida ECO Report, [56] whose author, George Glasser, feels that manufacturers are distancing themselves from the additive because of fears of lawsuits. The climate is ripe for these, and Glasser points out that such a class action suit has already been filed in England against the manufacturers of fluoride-containing products on behalf of children suffering from dental fluorosis.

Bone Fractures

At one time, fluoride therapy was recommended for building denser bones and preventing fractures associated with osteoporosis. Now several articles in peer-reviewed journals suggest that fluoride actually causes more harm than good, as it is associated with bone breakage. Three studies reported in The Journal of the American Medical Association showed links between hip fractures and fluoride. [57][58][59] Findings here were, for instance, that there is "a small but significant increase in the risk of hip fractures in both men and women exposed to artificial fluoridation at 1 ppm."   In addition, the New England Journal of Medicine reports that people given fluoride to cure their osteoporosis actually wound up with an increased nonvertebral fracture rate. [60]  Austrian researchers have also found that fluoride tablets make bones more susceptible to fractures.[61] The U.S. National Research Council states that the U.S. hip fracture rate is now the highest in the world. [62]

Louis V. Avioli, professor at the Washington University School of Medicine, says in a 1987 review of the subject: "Sodium fluoride therapy is accompanied by so many medical complications and side effects that it is hardly worth exploring in depth as a therapeutic mode for postmenopausal osteoporosis, since it fails to decrease the propensity for hip fractures and increases the incidence of stress fractures in the extremities." [63]

Fluoride Poisoning

In May 1992, 260 people were poisoned, and one man died, in Hooper Bay, Alaska, after drinking water contaminated with 150 ppm of fluoride. The accident was attributed to poor equipment and an unqualified operator. 55   Was this a fluke? Not at all. Over the years, the CDC has recorded several incidents of excessive fluoride permeating the water supply and sickening or killing people. We don't usually hear about these occurrences in news reports, but interested citizens have learned the truth from data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. Here is a partial list of toxic spills we have not been told about:

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. 

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